Holiday PopUp Coming Nov 2025

Welcome to my geeky little corner of the inter-webs! I'm Kirstan — the "K" of DKGraham — Chief Creative Officer and Maker of Many Things. Combining my production art skills with a love of handcraft (and a pretty nerdy laser machine) I turn my whimsical illustrations into handmade wood notions & other swag for my fellow yarn loving crafters to enjoy.
I'm just a big kid at heart, making what I love, and am over the moon excited to be able to share it with all of you —
Hey You!

Yarn... Wood... and Geekery

Our unique handmade notion sets. Carefully crafted from beautiful hardwoods and made for both knitters & crocheters to enjoy. Each set includes 6 stitch markers & locking pin back brooch with ball chain to keep markers together and attached to your project bag - right where you need them and can enjoy. Love the pin so much you can't leave it on your bag? Easily detach the chain and markers to wear just about anywhere!

Our newest creation — Coming Soon! A DIY notebook system for yarn and fiber crafters. A stitchable handmade wooden binder compatible with most A5 insert paper & journals - or get super creative with making your own pages using our provided punch template and free printables. Celebrate your love of Arts & Letters with this keepsake worthy creation!

Fabric & Funsies
What is more fun than making? Making with other makers! I've started turning some of my favorite illustrations into surface designs for fabric and though I sew just enough to get myself into trouble I really love to see what YOU can make with it! If you share your creations on Instagram be sure to tag them #SewGeekyDKGraham so I can check them out too!